Daniel Campbell

Daniel R. Campbell is a trial lawyer with significant experience trying cases in state and federal courts. Daniel focuses his trial practice on a variety of commercial litigation matters, including collective and class actions, products liability actions, trust and estate litigation matters, private equity and corporate deal disputes and actions under the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act. Read Daniel R. Campbell's full bio.
So, You’ve Been Sued in a Labeling Class Action. Now What?
By Daniel Campbell and Alva C. Mather on Apr 1, 2024
Posted In Advertising and Marketing, Beer, Malt Beverages and Cereal Beverages, Class Action, Distilled Spirits, Litigation & Arbitration, Seltzers, THC Beverages, TTB COLAs and Formulas, Wine and Cider
Many alcohol beverage industry clients are faced with lawsuits attacking product labels. These lawsuits can be frustrating for clients, particularly when the labels at issue were previously approved by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB). But approval by the TTB does not insulate a company from a lawsuit under various state consumer...
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