Michelle Draper

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Michelle L. Draper works closely with clients in the alcohol beverage industry, with particular emphasis on trade practices, licensing and permitting, formulation, labeling, market release and excise taxes. She spent nearly a decade in-house as a Senior Compliance Analyst, giving her a comprehensive understanding of the complex regulatory standards in this highly regulated industry.Read Michelle Draper's full bio.

Contract Manufacturing Versus an Alternating Proprietorship: What Is the Difference?

By , and on Sep 26, 2024
Posted In Alcohol Excise Taxes, Audits, Commercial Agreements, Craft Beverage Modernization Act, Licensing

We frequently receive questions about the differences between contract brewing and alternating proprietorships, as well as questions concerning the key details the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) and other regulators will be looking for in either approving the proposed structure or, more importantly, during a company audit. Here we discuss the primary...

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Maine Updates Ownership Disclosure Requirements

By and on Aug 30, 2024
Posted In Legislation, Licensing

On August 9, 2024, the new Public Law 2023, ch. 633 (L.D. 2069) from Maine’s Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages and Lottery Operations (BABLO) formally went into effect, bringing an end to the previous burdensome “entire ownership” disclosure requirement that disrupted the industry in 2023. This legislation establishes new ownership disclosure requirement related to alcohol licensing...

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TTB Ramps Up Tax Audits and Enforcement

By , and on Mar 19, 2024
Posted In Alcohol Excise Taxes, Enforcement, Licensing

The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau’s (TTB) Office of Field Operations is responsible for ensuring industry members comply with the Federal Alcohol Administration Act, the Internal Revenue Code and all related regulations. It is divided into three groups: the Trade Investigations Division (TID), the Tax Audit Division (TAD) and the Intelligence Division. Many...

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Maine Disclosure Requirements Burden Industry Members

By on Nov 13, 2023
Posted In Uncategorized

Over the summer, Maine’s Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages & Lottery Operations issued clarification of its ownership disclosure requirements for new applicants and existing license or certificate holders. We understand the significant impact this has on industry members and have summarized the updated guidance below. Like most states, Maine has a long history of requesting the...

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